So this page is for some of the art I've made and hosted on the website but didn't feel like it was up to par with what I wanted to show off. I might delete this page, who knows.
Feel free to open the image in a new tab to see the text! Featuring new OCs, Jellyroll and Bonbon Trickygadget
Spoiler: it wasn't a good night for her.
Click here for the story!
Technically, my fursona as a toon. She's cute, right?
I saw a prompt for this, so I drew it.
An idea of what sort of outfits my OC trio would wear based on fashion I like myself.
Sparklezilla and Gator N. Datub I drew for the header of this gallery.
Playing VRChat can lead to strange scenarios like this.
More VRChat shenanigans.
I imagine this happens in the intermission of High Roller's High Roller.
and they were roommates........... (These are different versions than the Toons I've drawn recently, mostly because in the past I had trouble drawing actual Alligator toons. Now I'm better at it, so their "human heads" are reduced to yukkuri.)
I thought this was a funny idea.
My main toon. Now you've seen them!
The blue dog is an extremely early version of Sparklezilla.
Other Fanart

Reisen Udongein and Youmu is probably one of my favorite Touhou ships, so I drew them. I originally had made this as a part of a wallpaper, but it seems I've lost the actual final product.

Cirno in a sort of urban outfit. You can think of this maybe like "What would Cirno be like in the outside world as a normal human", or maybe what would a more "modernized" version of her look like. I drew her as a tomboy because of her theme, and the association with the number 9 seemed like a great combo to give her a basketball jersey.

Big Man from Splatoon 3 drawn with a mouse and a computer.

Character Directory